6 Ways to Help Protect Bees

There are many preventative actions we can take to help protect our fuzzy friends! ๐Ÿโœจ๐Ÿ’› Here are some tips on how you can help our buzzing buddies have a thriving life!

  1. Plant bee friendly plants

Planting these types of plants creates a safe habitat for bees to build homes and find a variety of nutritious food sources. These bee gardens are essential to attract and nourish honeybees with nectar and food for their hives. The most important plants for bees include but not limited to: Fruit trees, Dandelion, Sunflowers, Lilacs, Lavender, Honeysuckle

  1. Leave water for thirsty bees

Like humans, water is essential to a beeโ€™s nutrition! Supplying clean and reliable water helps bees make honey and keep their hive cool. TIP: put stones and small pieces of wood for bees to land on and take a long, refreshing drink.

  1. Buy local fruits and vegetables

Supporting local organic farmers is a great first step to the reduction in the use of pesticides. The use of pesticides used on plants/vegetables is commonly and widely used, which is harmful to bee colonies, even killing queen bees.

  1. Avoid using pesticides in your garden

Synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, and neonicotinoids are harmful to bees and their sensitive systems. Use organic products like compost to aid soil health and add beneficial insects that keep pests away like ladybugs and praying mantises!

  1. Buy honey from local beekeepers

By supporting our local beekeepers, itโ€™s the easiest way to show our appreciation to buy locally made honey and beeswax products!

  1. Stay educated and spread awareness

By taking the effort to learn about bees, why their population is declining, and what actions we can take to help them, we are making a difference to help the lives of our buzzing buddies! Please help us spread awareness by sharing this blog post and BEE a part of the change!